Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How To Make A Dongle For A Toshiba

Figliolo, non fumare altrimenti ti arrestano!

I was very impressed disclosed the text of the bill bipartisan anti-smoking, first to sign the PD and the PDL Ignazio Marino D'Ambrosio. What struck me most is not the part that states that the smoke will be off limits even in the backyards of schools, universities, hospitals, bars and restaurants, and driving the car (I would come back anyway), what in ban purchase and consumption of for children in public spaces (or maybe everywhere, it is called an amendment to that effect already ready).

is true: if children could not already buy it was because they had not eaten, but this explanation has left me really salt. What I would have done sixteen in the case had already been in force this ban? Probably no different than what we already did, having to hide from everything and everyone when I was smoking for fear of being discovered. But perhaps there would be a more thrill, which would increase the sense of transgression, with a significant increase dell'appeal.
But perhaps I was particularly So stupid and sixteen of today are much more sgam: to transgress do not need cigarettes.

Maybe a little 'healthy Prohibition help. Best if combined with a real information campaign that maybe required to start from kindergarten. So why not prohibit smoking in all those who have an educational role in the lives of children (especially the teachers, but parents in hindsight)? I often see parents smoking in cars with small children on board. Behavior will be tolerated again? And pregnant women who smoke? And the doctors?

A question at this point is imposed: the extent to which you must push the state in control of personal privacy? This is a topic that may be too demanding for the modest intellectual resources of the poor author of this blog, but we must also ask. Very well make it less "easy" for smokers to indulge their habit (eg. Increase in excise duties, limitation of opportunities and places where smoking is allowed, the protection of children in all senses). But we are confident that the establishment of a regime of prohibition is an effective answer to the problem of smoking?

Mi piacerebbe raccogliere le vostre opinioni in merito. Nel frattempo, mi raccomando: mai piĆ¹ nemmeno un tiro! 


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