Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Cute Sayings For Bubbles


Sylvania Tv To Magnavox Dvd

Open the window is not enough

From the Corriere results of a new study on smoking in cars:
http://www.corriere.it/salute/sportello_cancro/10_giugno_29/fumo-passivo-automobile- finestrino_67da6bde-805d-85d3-11DF-00144f02aabe.shtml

Come è agevole immaginare, fumare in auto espone ai rischi del fumo passivo (anche il fumatore stesso, naturalmente) e l'ambiente chiuso (che nemmeno il finestrino aperto può del tutto depurare) amplifica tali effetti.  Si propone da più parti da qualche anno di vietare il fumo in auto. Io personalmente sono d'accordo e inasprirei la pena nel caso di bambini a bordo.

Fondamentalmente le ragioni che dovrebbero portare il legislatore verso questa direzione sono almeno di quattro tipi: 

  1. health (as above),
  2. safe driving: smoking distracting, especially when you turn on or turn off the cigarette, or when - alas - it falls into the same car as we drive;
  3. forest protection, according to a French study 16% of accidental fires depends on the lighted butts from cars dropped in transit
  4. street cleaning: the same study attributes to cigarette butts (but here also has to do pedestrians), almost 14% of the costs of urban cleaning.
I found some information regarding the prohibition of smoking in cars in the world: the prohibition is almost always provided in the car when there are children. This is what happens in four states in Australia, in four provinces in Canada, Cyprus, South Africa, UAE and in five or six other U.S. states. And in many other states are being discussed with regard to its introduction.

Instead, in San Marino (220 km of road network) the ban is already in place with a fine of 100 euro, but only for the driver. The ratio appears to be the fact that smoking distracted driving. In addition, the passenger must ask permission if the driver wants to light a cigarette (otherwise fine).

In the UK the ban already in force but only for vehicles that are workplaces (such trucks, vans, buses and minibuses, for example).

The history of legislative proposals to incorporate in our system such a prohibition is clearly articulated: maybe I'll make the subject of a future post. In any case, suffice it to say that our Senate has set aside once again the anti-smoking rules in the reform of the Highway Code just last month. Now the House will try again with the new amendments, we'll see what happens.

Never even a shot!

Source for bans in the world (in English):

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ideas For Art To Wear Brownie Try It

Adidas Bimbo dancing Waka Waka Shakira

Brazilians come dancing!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Eyebrow Piercing And Waxing

Smoking reduces stress? Not true! More about electronic cigarettes

, 85% believe that smoking helps to relieve stress , but a year after the forced distance from cigarettes 41% of the now former Smoking-states that, in fact, was precisely to have stopped with the''blonde''to lower levels of stress perceived: the news comes from a British study conducted by the Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry and published in the journal Addiction.

The research was conducted on 469 smokers suffering from various heart problems and forced to become ex-smokers after hospitalization health-related causes.

On average, the researchers found a 20% reduction in the levels of perceived stress in ex-smokers for at least a year, regardless of other factors such as patient age, educational level, the amount of cigarettes usually smoked before quitting and the stress levels recorded at the beginning of the study.

(Taken from asca.it)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Animation Sketch Of Snorting Bull

I get some time threats and insults for my stance against the electronic cigarette (or e-sigs and -cigs).

Lo trovo francamente eccessivo: questo blog ha 30 lettori al giorno (anche se di grande qualità e pur sempre superiori ai 25 di manzoniana memoria). Quanto potrà influire nella formazione della coscienza popolare?
Lo trovo inoltre immotivato: da una parte ho diritto di critica come tutti, dall'altra questo è uno spazio autogestito, che ha un solo responsabile della "linea editoriale".

Ma soprattutto, le sigarette elettroniche, oltre che ridicole, sembra pure che facciano male.  It'd be a coward if you do not write on this blog. There are no shortcuts : there is only one way to stop smoking, throw that package and lighter and ever closer to them (NEVER EVEN A SHOT!). not you agree with this rule? Feel free to stop reading this blog (and / or criticize what civil servants). Do you agree? Keep reading then and help improve with your comments.

Basically, want to keep a light bulb in his mouth, thinking that will make you quit smoking? Go ahead, God forbid, but do not be angry if someone finds this habit a little 'ridiculous! I do not believe that it serves, but I believe that it is harmful, especially if you continue to take nicotine, but this is a free country!

Public below a first collection of articles found on the net against electronic cigarettes. Doing some research I realized then that all the articles I found were for advertorials (Ie advertising). I wonder why. There is also a notice by the FDA U.S., for whoever knows a bit 'English.

http://pensieri3d.wordpress.com/2009/09/26/sigaretta-elettronica-pericolosa-sembrerebbe- of-you /
http://www.fumarefabene.com/2010/02/sigaretta-elettronica . html

I found lots of pictures of people with a light bulb in his mouth (a term I have used to describe those who use the electronic cigarette) and I'll enjoy using them very much in support of my post ...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Non Magnetic 7.62 X 39mm Ammo

Those girls angry slaves

A nice article, signed by Donald Corriere Barus, about a subject that has reached even this blog more than once.


A passage in particular deserves to be emphasized, in my opinion:

YOU PAY THE CIGARETTE, Here I am - And those teenagers with a cigarette between le dita alle 7.30 di mattina fuori del liceo? «Le ragazze, e gli adolescenti in genere, sono una tipologia di fumatori complessa. A loro va ricordato quello che mettono sul piatto della bilancia: si perde l’autonomia, dato che la dipendenza dal fumo di sigaretta è una schiavitù come quella da altre droghe, calano le prestazioni fisiche, si rovinano la pelle e i denti, si compromette anche la futura possibilità di procreare: tutte le cose meravigliose della loro età e degli anni a venire».

Mai più nemmeno un tiro!