Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Animation Sketch Of Snorting Bull

I get some time threats and insults for my stance against the electronic cigarette (or e-sigs and -cigs).

Lo trovo francamente eccessivo: questo blog ha 30 lettori al giorno (anche se di grande qualità e pur sempre superiori ai 25 di manzoniana memoria). Quanto potrà influire nella formazione della coscienza popolare?
Lo trovo inoltre immotivato: da una parte ho diritto di critica come tutti, dall'altra questo è uno spazio autogestito, che ha un solo responsabile della "linea editoriale".

Ma soprattutto, le sigarette elettroniche, oltre che ridicole, sembra pure che facciano male.  It'd be a coward if you do not write on this blog. There are no shortcuts : there is only one way to stop smoking, throw that package and lighter and ever closer to them (NEVER EVEN A SHOT!). not you agree with this rule? Feel free to stop reading this blog (and / or criticize what civil servants). Do you agree? Keep reading then and help improve with your comments.

Basically, want to keep a light bulb in his mouth, thinking that will make you quit smoking? Go ahead, God forbid, but do not be angry if someone finds this habit a little 'ridiculous! I do not believe that it serves, but I believe that it is harmful, especially if you continue to take nicotine, but this is a free country!

Public below a first collection of articles found on the net against electronic cigarettes. Doing some research I realized then that all the articles I found were for advertorials (Ie advertising). I wonder why. There is also a notice by the FDA U.S., for whoever knows a bit 'English. of-you / . html

I found lots of pictures of people with a light bulb in his mouth (a term I have used to describe those who use the electronic cigarette) and I'll enjoy using them very much in support of my post ...


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