Thursday, September 9, 2010

Can Iwatch Movies On Digital Playground

I'm sorry, but this time I do not agree

Ho sempre divulgato, citandoli assai spesso, gli articoli che compaiono sulla versione online del Corriere della Sera, sezione Salute, dedicati al fumo. Sono generalmente a firma di una ricercatrice della Fondazione Veronesi. Si tratta di articoli molto ben fatti, che citano le ricerche piĆ¹ interessanti del momento dedicate al "nostro" argomento.

Ebbene, stavolta - una volta tanto - non posso essere d'accordo con il contenuto dell'articolo di oggi, dal titolo "L'abitudine alla bionda? Scritta nel DNA" , Which refers explicitly to the particular predisposition that some of us not only to develop - alas - specific diseases, but also to certain behaviors, including (guess?) There would also smoke, " fault of mutation a gene, CHRNA5, which if altered also increases the risk of cancer. "

I read the abstract of the research cited by the journalist: I have not found these conclusions: perhaps they are in full, that I have consulted. I think it says only that the gene in question is connected to nicotine dependence (the accentuate) and that its presence triggers this dependence toto.

In any case, I would like to highlight a question: I accept that it is written in our genetic heritage part of our future, particularly as regards the preparation of our body to react or interact with certain substances. So we, in this case, more or less likely to develop a greater or lesser dependence on nicotine, as this will prevail, mind you. but I can not conceive how our genome could be "mapped" a behavior. Let's think about the consequences of this concept for our legal system.

Basically, I keep unchanged (God forbid!) the esteem of the Foundation and the article: I humbly note that a title like "effect" seems unfounded - on the one hand - and very dangerous on the other. But you know ... "Tantoque bonus dormitat Homerus" ...

For those wishing to pursue the matter, here is the link Article the Courier and search cited.
If the topic of behavioral genetics (behavioral genetics) you are interested, you can take a look here .


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