Thursday, October 4, 2007

Gay Cruisingin Baton Rouge

Del santissimo miracolo che fece santo Francesco, quando convertì il ferocissimo lupo d'Agobbio.

At the time that St. Francis lived in the city of Gubbio Gubbio appeared in the countryside of a wolf great, terrible and ferocious, who devoured not only animals but even the men, so that all citizens were in great fear, however, that oftentimes s' closer to the city, and all were armed when they left the city, as s'eglino went to fight, and with everything poteano not defend him, who clashed in him alone. And for fear of this wolf and 'was in so much that no one had dared come out of the earth.
Wherefore St. Francis had compassion for people of the earth, so he wanted to get out of this wolf, the citizens know that they do not tells you everything; and making the sign of the Holy Cross, he came out of the ground co 'his friends, all his confidence, placing in the God fearing others will go, St. Francis took the road opposite the place where he was the wolf. And then, seeing them as many citizens had come to see Cotesta miracle, that wolf you meet St. Francis, with his mouth open, and approaching him, St. Francis made the sign of the cross, and called him and said this: "Come here, brother wolf, I command you by the hand of Christ that you do not hurt me or in person." Wonderful thing to say! Immantanente that St Francis had made the cross, the terrible wolf closed his mouth and stood run: and made the commandment, was meekly like a lamb, and gittossi alli feet of St. Francis to lie. And St. Francis spoke to him thus:
"Brother Wolf, you make a lot of damage in these parts, and have made great malifici, spoiling and killing God's creatures without their license, and not only have the animals killed and eaten, but you had dare to kill the image of God made man, wherefore thou art 'worthy of the gallows as a thief and murderer bad, and people all screaming and whispers to you, and all this land unto thee enemy. But I wish, Brother Wolf, to make peace between you and them, so you do not offend him more, and falling back they will forgive any past offense, and they neither men nor sing them haunt you anymore. " And having said these words, the wolf with acts of body and tail and ears, and bow his head to accept showed that St. Francis was saying and want to observe. Then St Francis said: "Brother Wolf, since you like to do and to keep this peace, I promise you I'll give you the cost continuously, and you shalt live, the people of this earth, so you're not hungry anymore patirai; imperative that I know very well that hunger for you have done any harm. But poich'io t'accatto this grace, I will, Brother Wolf, you imprometta me that you do not nocerai to any human or animal, you promise me that? ". The wolf, with inchinate di capo, fece evidente segnale che 'l prometteva. E santo Francesco sì dice: “Frate lupo, io voglio che tu mi facci fede di questa promessa, acciò ch'io me ne possa bene fidare”. E distendendo la mano santo Francesco per ricevere la sua fede, il lupo levò su il piè ritto dinanzi, e dimesticamente lo puose sopra la mano di santo Francesco, dandogli quello segnale ch'egli potea di fede.
E allora disse santo Francesco: “Frate lupo, io ti comando nel nome di Gesù Cristo, che tu venga ora meco sanza dubitare di nulla, e andiamo a fermare questa pace al nome di Dio”. E il lupo ubbidiente se ne va con lui a modo d'uno agnello mansueto, di che li cittadini, vedendo questo, fortemente si maravigliavano. And suddenly this news was heard throughout the city, people of every male and female, large and small, young and old, take to the streets to see the wolf with St Francis. And being right there gathered together all 'the people, There arises on St. Francis and preached to them, saying, among other things, like for the sins God permits such things, and pestilences, and too much is more dangerous than the flames of hell that has to alli last eternally damned, that is the rage of the wolf, which can kill if not the body: "So what has to fear the pit of hell, when such a multitude held in fear and trembling in the mouth of a small animal . Back then, dear friends, God and do penance worthy de 'sins, and God will deliver you the wolf in the present and future from the hell fire. " It made the sermon, St. Francis said: "Listen, my brethren: Brother Wolf, who is here before you, So much has promised, and fattomene faith, to make peace with you and not to offend any thing ever, and promise to give you the necessary things every day, and I came in surety for him that 'the covenant of peace he will adhere firmly. " Then all the people with one voice promised to continually nourished. And St. Francis, before all, the wolf said: "And you, Brother Wolf, you promise to observe them in the covenant of peace, you do not offend neither men nor animals, nor no creature? ". And the wolf inginocchiasi and bows his head and gentle acts of body and tail and ears showed, as far as possible, you want to serve them any deal. St. Francis says: "Brother Wolf, I want as you gave me faith in this promise out of the door, so before all the people of faith give me your promise that you will not deceive me of my promise and surety that I have made for you. " Then the wolf stood, raising his foot, yes' he lay in the hands of St. Francis. Waves between this act and the other was above those of such great joy and admiration of all the people, yes to the devotion of the saint and so the novelty of the miracle and yes to peace of the wolf, that all began to cry to heaven, praising and blessing God, who had sent them St. Francis, for his merits had freed them from the mouth of the cruel beast. To the praise of Jesus Christ of the poor and Francis. Amen.

From The Little Flowers of St. Francis Chapter XXI.

Dedicated to the poor animals of the "National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise" killed by the ferocity of some of our similar that is called "human" and all the poor creatures victims every day cruelty of men. Why Animals Do not EVER bad, either NEVER do of evil for the sake of it!


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