Thursday, December 7, 2006

Hair On Barrel Racing Pads

Il Natale del Re

A story from Ace ... even if it is more inqiuetante that "Christmas".

Where now stands the Dome of Frankfurt, there was the time of King Ludwig the German, a chapel, called Rudtlint, dedicated to the Holy Saviour and then consecrated to the Virgin Mary by Charlemagne. Ludwig the German was celebrating Christmas at his palace in Frankfurt and at the same time there had been convened an assembly of the empire.
Then there was the Devil, assumed the appearance of a gentle spirit priest, presented himself to Karl, a son of Ludwig, and said, "Listen, you're the youngest of your brothers and your father wants to leave the kingdom to thy brother Karlmann, but the kingdom was destined by God to you. Your father wants to ruin you, and God will not tolerate such a thing. But Karl was angry and hurried to the chapel, meanwhile turned and shouted: "Get out of the way, tempter! You're not a messenger from Heaven. " But the Devil followed in the church and said, "If I were not a messenger from Heaven, as I enter the house of the Lord? How could I take the Sacrament of the Altar, the Sacrifice of the Mass, Benedict? ". It clouded the mind of Karl with the deceptions of hell, celebrò la messa e porse a lui l’ostia benedetta. Ed egli attraverso l’ostia entrò in Karl e Karl fu così posseduto dal demonio.
In quel tempo si teneva l’assemblea degli stati dell’impero e, durante la seduta, Karl disse cose senza senso, si lacerò la bandoliera dai fianchi, gettò le spade nel mezzo della sala, strappò via la cintola e le vesti dal corpo e con violenza le buttò qua e là. Tutti gli astanti inorridirono. Ma i vescovi presero lui, così posseduto dal demonio, e lo portarono nella cappella. L’Arcivescovo iniziò a cantare per lui la messa: Karl allora iniziò a piangere e come la pena aumentava, a gridare forte e andò avanti così fino al termine della mass. But the priests did not stop praying until they drove the enemy from the king's son and until Karl was not healed by God's mercy
Even King Ludwig spent a gloomy Christmas in Frankfurt. But what the wickedness of the devil had whispered to the king's son, was fulfilled shortly afterwards Karlmann Ludwig and both died before him, Karl, and assumed the crown of the Kingdom of Germany, but that did not last long, because he was caught after killing and you put in the hands of priests. I dismiss the princes of the empire and gave the crown to Arnulf, a natural son of his brother Karlmann.

Traduzione di Sab


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