Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Turn Cartilage Piercing

Due milioni di fumatori in più in Italia?

News that seems alarming, published almost everywhere today.

"Two million smokers in the most 'in Italy in 2009 compared to 2008. He says Armando Santoro, chief dell'Humanitas Oncology Department, which announced a new anti-smoking campaign among young people with the Italian Sports Centre (CIS).
for oncology resumption of the trend of smoking, after the stop due to the law Sirchia, and 'continued throughout last year.' At the end of 2009 smokers - said Santoro - 13 million (25.4% population), of which 7.1 million men and 5.9 for women '.
(...) is the increase in smoking among young people: "Today - accurate - 57% of Italians aged between 15 and 24 years is in fact smoker."
According Piergiorgio Zuccaro, Director of smoking, alcohol and drugs (Ossfad) who presented the data, reverse the trend of smoking on the rise than in recent years is attributable in large part to the decline of former smokers who switched from 18.4 of 2008 to 14.6 today. "This means - Zuccaro said - that many of those who had quit in the end they made it and hanno ripreso a fumare”

Come al solito, la mia attenzione selettiva è stata attratta dal riferimento agli ex fumatori...
Non ci posso credere: uno su quattro fra coloro che avevano smesso di fumare ha ripreso? Mi sembra veramente molto. Anche perché a questa percentuale andrebbe aggiunto anche chi è diventato ex fumatore nell'anno (quorum ego), quindi il numero salirebbe ancora (diciamo a uno su tre?).  
Metodologicamente, forse, non si è ben compreso cosa significa "ex fumatore": basta smettere per un giorno, per una settimana, per un mese per essere considerato this? It appears that - for the investigation Doxa - is considered "former smoker" anyone who has tried to quit and had a relapse. Whichever way you look, the absolute value is still very high ...

observation I would make, though: this is a story worthy of publication? Do not you end up trying to discourage those who are seriously suffering, stop?
Why not instead insist on the fact that young people start smoking, despite all the information campaign, which lasts for decades?
Why not use positive reinforcement ("you can stop, you can") even among those who may have an impact?
The fact that cite these statistics it should be short because the anti-smoking? Are we really sure?

We know that quitting smoking is a battle especially private and that we must stop first for ourselves, beyond all the statistics in the world. But we also know that to stay smoke-free is no single magic bullet, " NEVER EVEN A SHOT! .

Here Doxa survey found (in my opinion well done) to complete.

Allow me to summarize here the main points:

  • Quit smoking without aid is more difficult and less safe as a final result, compared to stop supported by a professional (so reference centers, smoke, citing the British experience). Smokers more likely to support without a relapse.
  • Even general practitioners should do more
  • necessary to increase the places where smoking is prohibited
  • necessary to increase direct taxation of cigarette smoke and the reimbursement of drugs should be strengthened
  • negative publicity, and with shocking images on packages with the real campaign

Friday, January 15, 2010

Home Made Walkie Talkie Antenna

Quattro semplici mosse per non fumare

As you may know there is The "Program of the Twelve Steps the" is a methodology developed by Alcoholics Anonymous to treat alcoholism and time has been adapted to treat other forms dependency.
I propose (and consigliarvi) un metodo un po' più semplice, derivato dagli insegnamenti del sito "Why Quit" , di Joel Spitzer e John Polito, composto da soli quattro passi. Con me ha funzionato. Provate anche voi, se vi va: sono veramente semplici:

1.  Capire perché si fuma.

Vi sono veramente molte false credenze a proposito del fumo: la principale è che i fumatori credono di fumare perché vogliono farlo, in realtà devono farlo: è il loro corpo che reclama la nicotina. Sono quindi dei tossicodipendenti e capire questo fatto è il primo passo verso la guarigione. 
Si crede che   fumare mantenga calmi, in realtà il fumo fa aumentare i livelli di stress, o più precisamente le reazioni allo stress. 
Si pensa che fumare renda più energici, in realtà il fumo toglie resistenza ed energia.
Si è convinti che fumare consenta di divertirsi e di condurre stili di vita più attivi socialmente, in realtà il fumo provoca in pratica solo comportamenti antisociali (chiedere ai non fumatori per conferma).

2. know that you should quit smoking

should be a simple thing: all smokers already know by now that smoking is harmful . The problem is that they do not know what is.
On the web you can find all the information you need to begin to get really scared (as has happened to me, I admit without difficulty). Recognize that stopping smoking is in fact a struggle for survival is often of paramount importance for the long-term success. This information is vital to address those thoughts to the occasional cigarette, thoughts triggered by various circumstances and situations and that a former smoker faces a lifetime.

3. Knowing c ome stop

This is the real shock to most of us, especially if we have done some research or reading on the issue.
method best and easiest way to quit smoking is simply "stop doing "even though it sounds quite simplistic and ridiculous. Try to think of all the people you know and who have stopped smoking for at least a year and how these people have stopped. Well you do not find that the vast majority of them - and in many cases all of them - stopped suddenly and without pharmacological aid? Yes it's really that simple: there are no magic formulas or secret . Just throw away the cigarettes.

4. C ome go without smoking
This is another remarkable revelation. In almost all programs for smoking cessation is this sentence: "do not let one slip (error) brings you to smoke" . Has the same sense as saying that an alcoholic who is quitting "does not let you back a glass to drink" or a heroin addict "does not let a little injection make you start over." The message must be stronger, rather than "do not let a slip make you start over" should be "Do not slide."
We are all addicts who have renounced their drugs. Retest even once we'd fall back into dependence, even more than before. The only secret is to stay without smoking and then simply "do not smoke anymore, not even a cigarette, not even a shot, even occasionally. Never again. It is far easier to do than to say, believe me!

My (our / your) blog is dedicated to the comment of these same steps because we are all in the same situation at the beginning of our struggle. That we are drug addicts who derive a lot of good things (peace, strength, satisfaction, social life and everything else) from the deadly paper cylinders filled with pressed tobacco.
not so. Life is the same, even better without cigarettes. Ask any former smoker did not regret his cigarettes (you may not believe his answer) but noted he could do something better than smoking now ... You already know the answer, right?