Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Turn Cartilage Piercing

Due milioni di fumatori in più in Italia?

News that seems alarming, published almost everywhere today.

"Two million smokers in the most 'in Italy in 2009 compared to 2008. He says Armando Santoro, chief dell'Humanitas Oncology Department, which announced a new anti-smoking campaign among young people with the Italian Sports Centre (CIS).
for oncology resumption of the trend of smoking, after the stop due to the law Sirchia, and 'continued throughout last year.' At the end of 2009 smokers - said Santoro - 13 million (25.4% population), of which 7.1 million men and 5.9 for women '.
(...) is the increase in smoking among young people: "Today - accurate - 57% of Italians aged between 15 and 24 years is in fact smoker."
According Piergiorgio Zuccaro, Director of smoking, alcohol and drugs (Ossfad) who presented the data, reverse the trend of smoking on the rise than in recent years is attributable in large part to the decline of former smokers who switched from 18.4 of 2008 to 14.6 today. "This means - Zuccaro said - that many of those who had quit in the end they made it and hanno ripreso a fumare”

Come al solito, la mia attenzione selettiva è stata attratta dal riferimento agli ex fumatori...
Non ci posso credere: uno su quattro fra coloro che avevano smesso di fumare ha ripreso? Mi sembra veramente molto. Anche perché a questa percentuale andrebbe aggiunto anche chi è diventato ex fumatore nell'anno (quorum ego), quindi il numero salirebbe ancora (diciamo a uno su tre?).  
Metodologicamente, forse, non si è ben compreso cosa significa "ex fumatore": basta smettere per un giorno, per una settimana, per un mese per essere considerato this? It appears that - for the investigation Doxa - is considered "former smoker" anyone who has tried to quit and had a relapse. Whichever way you look, the absolute value is still very high ...

observation I would make, though: this is a story worthy of publication? Do not you end up trying to discourage those who are seriously suffering, stop?
Why not instead insist on the fact that young people start smoking, despite all the information campaign, which lasts for decades?
Why not use positive reinforcement ("you can stop, you can") even among those who may have an impact?
The fact that cite these statistics it should be short because the anti-smoking? Are we really sure?

We know that quitting smoking is a battle especially private and that we must stop first for ourselves, beyond all the statistics in the world. But we also know that to stay smoke-free is no single magic bullet, " NEVER EVEN A SHOT! .

Here Doxa survey found (in my opinion well done) to complete.

Allow me to summarize here the main points:

  • Quit smoking without aid is more difficult and less safe as a final result, compared to stop supported by a professional (so reference centers, smoke, citing the British experience). Smokers more likely to support without a relapse.
  • Even general practitioners should do more
  • necessary to increase the places where smoking is prohibited
  • necessary to increase direct taxation of cigarette smoke and the reimbursement of drugs should be strengthened
  • negative publicity, and with shocking images on packages with the real campaign


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