Saturday, March 13, 2010

Can You Use Scooter Wheels On A Ripstik?

dream What would you do in these situations?

Your two year old son has a nervous breakdown because he wants a new toy. You
  1. let him do it until you calm
  2. The satisfied
  3. give it a tranquilizer

Your son is eager to seven years because next week there will be auditions for the youth team. You
  1. reassured him by telling him that we can make it
  2. You train with him and tell him to commit the best
  3. give it a tranquilizer every three hours until the test

Your daughter is distressed because no 14 year old invited her to the school dance. You
  1. find a companion among the children of friends
  2. You tell her to go the same
  3. by the cocaine to raise morale

Your 15 year old daughter is worried about being 5 pounds overweight. You
  1. The cook low-calorie meals
  2. The you start a diet program or exercise
  3. The the drugs to counteract the appetite

All these young people are going through experiences that adults would call "crisis of growth." Time, patience and reassurance will help them overcome these difficult situations. Whoever is to grow physically, emotionally, intellectually, professionally or spiritually will address these growing pains.

Adults suffer the pain, sadness, depression and anxiety as their children. These sentiments are needed if we are to continue to develop le nostre menti e i nostri corpi. Senza una tale crescita, non potremmo vivere pienamente i sentimenti di felicità, soddisfazione, appagamento e realizzazione.

            Nelle situazioni di cui sopra, la terza scelta era – ovviamente – ridicola. Non esporremmo i nostri bambini a dei rischi chimici per superare problemi tanto banali. Tuttavia, come adulti siamo perfettamente capaci di fare cose tanto pericolose per averne conforto. Prendiamo l’esempio delle cigarettes.

When you were still a smoker, how many times happened to thee smoking because you felt sad and lonely without your friends cigarettes? How many times have you said that did you smoke because of stress in your life? How many times have you said that all the social events were not fun without cigarettes? How many times have you said you'd put on weight too, if you quit smoking? You were just telling you that you needed the nicotine, a drug that is, to overcome the problems of everyday life.

Until you stop smoking, do not you realize that you could address these problems without cigarettes, and in most cases you did even better. Only when you stop you understand that stress was the source of your addiction to nicotine. You were prey to an addiction socially unacceptable e fisicamente mortale senza accorgertene: succedeva quando volevi smettere, ma una pena troppo grande ti impediva anche solo di provarci.

            Anche oggi probabilmente di tanto in tanto desideri ancora una sigaretta. Può succedere in una situazione stressante, a una festa dopo qualche bicchiere o quando ti trovi da solo senza niente di meglio da fare. Ma la verità è che non potresti fare niente di peggio. Una sigaretta non ti aiuterà a risolvere il tuo problema; On the contrary, it will create a new problem, a disaster of a revived and reinforced dependency, with all the physical risks and the consequences resulting therefrom.

The next time you feel like a cigarette, sit down to reflect a moment about what you really want to do. You need that drug? Want that addiction? No? Just remember: DO NOT EVEN ONE MORE SHOT!

Article taken from the book by Joel Spitzer, "Never even have a shot." Find other articles about site of the newsgroup "quit smoking" .


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