Saturday, March 20, 2010

Palit Nvidia 9800gt Driver

Recently some of you wrote to me about the fact that you have dreamed of smoking. I propose an article by Joel Spitzer on the subject, from "Do not pull over another" (you can find the book in English here, or here in Italian - being translated)

dream of smoking is very common among ex-smokers, particularly among those who have quit recently and, if it happens within the first days in the early weeks, it can also be extremely unpleasant and very realistic. So realistic that the former smoker will wake up smelling the smell and taste of a cigarette, convinced that he really smoked. Many of my clients in their wake were made the butt look around the house, the feeling was so strong. Let me explain first why the physical sensation is so pronounced.
When you quit smoking, one of the first repair our physical body is put in place the start of production of pulmonary cilia, which are tiny hair-like small caps, which are aligned in the trachea and bronchi to constantly sweep particles out of the lungs. When you smoke before you slow down, then paralyze and eventually destroy the cilia. This is also the reason why smokers often have more colds and flu: it's because they have destroyed their first defenses against microbes that cause these diseases.
When a person stops smoking, usually within about 72 hours, the cilia start to regenerate. Former smoker can begin to clean their lungs within a few days and one of the first signs that this happens is to cough and expectorate: it is mucus and other material that was stuck in there when he smoked but who is now a way ' output and a mechanism to begin to be swept away. What horrible but good, you start to remove a lot of garbage from the lungs, mainly tobacco tar, a substance very particular taste and odor.
Imagine that you are dreaming, maybe it's a dream that has nothing to do with tobacco. While we sleep, the cilia do their job, that is clean, the tobacco tars sono portati su, raggiungono i nervi sensori per il gusto e l’olfatto ed ecco che dal profondo si inizia a creare una sequenza del sogno che include una sigaretta. Ma non state solo sognando: le sensazioni fisiche di gusto e olfatto persistono anche al vostro risveglio: è questo che può arrivare a farvi credere di avere fumato davvero.
Si tratta di una spiegazione plausibile sul perché il sogno s’è verificato e sulle ragioni della sua verosimiglianza. Ma il sogno può essere interpretato in due maniere: di solito l’ex fumatore lo interpreta come un segnale indicatore del fatto che vuole veramente fumare. Dopo tutto, se si sta senza fumare e si sogna di farlo, significa di volerlo do not?
At night, I received phone calls from terrified people attending the clinic, which began to say that there could not believe: they had been smoking without all that time and still wanted to smoke. They knew they still want to smoke because they had dreamed of doing. I spent time asking them to describe the dream. I described the richness of detail and realism and I almost always speak of it as a nightmare from which they had awakened sweating, often in tears at the thought that they had just smoked and then they ruined it, returning to the starting level . All that time had been wasted without smoking.
soon ended to describe what I felt, to clarify one thing. They had dreamed of smoking and concluded that this meant that they had actually wanted to smoke, but when they wake up and reflect best, describing the dream as a nightmare. This could be the dream of a person who wanted to smoke, as that of someone who was afraid to smoke. It was a completely legitimate fear, given that a former smoker is fighting a powerful and deadly addiction, then it was also a dream, quite legitimately, that seeks to give a measure of how bad we would feel if you come back really smoking, in terms of psychological, not physical. The dream is a nightmare that makes us understand how bad it would get this feeling, anche senza essere realmente tornati a fumare ed essere ricaduti nella morsa della dipendenza della nicotina. Può anche dare qualche indicazione su quanto importante sia non fumare per la nostra salute mentale.
Il sogno pericoloso è quello nel quale fumiamo un intero pacchetto, tossiamo, diventiamo degli emarginati sociali, sviluppiamo qualche malattia terribile, finiamo sul letto di morte, prossimi ad esalare il nostro ultimo respiro, ed improvvisamente ci svegliamo con un sorriso sulle labbra e ci diciamo: “Grande! Vorrei poterlo fare quando sono sveglio”. Fino a che questo non è il sogno che fai, non ne sarei per niente scoraggiato; in caso contrario, forse è meglio parlarne insieme yet.
regard to smoking, no matter what you do in your dreams, you'll be fine until you remember waking DO NOT DO MORE ANOTHER SHOT!


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