Saturday, November 27, 2010

Wedding Guests Hotel Gift Bag Note Sample

Some clarification

Dear readers,

some time I get the post I do not like at all.

Some - as you know - are by sellers of e-cigs, that hide behind insults the smallness and the swindling of their business proposal.

Others - and this hurts me the most - believe that I have dark designs for the selection of topics or completeness of the information provided in this blog.

not true and I is not good.

Let me repeat some concepts which I would like to be shared by my (few but loyal) readers:

  1. this blog is not - nor does it claim to be - a source of absolute truths : it is simply an effort made in good faith by myself (which has - as everyone knows - a very low intelligence) to spread a culture topic. I have no interest in disclosing false. If someone believes there may be a mistake as contained in my posts please let me just point out (citing the sources from which it draws its information), and - in case - I will make any adjustments.
  2. at this point I have two alternatives: moderate or all operations that receive, before publication , or require the identification who wants to post comments. The first solution is the least democratic (it could be seen as a kind of censorship on my part) but also what is already happening now, when I'm mad at having to delete posts, scurrilous or simply inconclusive. The second solution seems more libertarian, but even more compelling. If you want to contribute your opinion to clarify this dilemma, you are welcome.
  3. I would put this blog to become a real ground for comparison with those who think like me. As long as this takes place while respecting the basic rules of etiquette and civil dialectic. A fortiori, I would be thrilled to publish posts to readers who recognize the spirit of the blog, which has the aim of sharing experiences (positive or not) on the decision to quit smoking. This of course regardless of the fact that their experience is the same as mine, that I stopped by itself, suddenly and without the use of substitutes. Willingly accept anyone - in other words - should "make a contribution", as was once said ... Provided it is done in good faith and - possibly - through direct experience.
  4. said that, I would also like to reiterate that this blog is dedicated to those who want to quit smoking But everyone can not just read, as also bring their experience.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jason Comet Chaser 480 Telescope

Great American Day against Smoking

On 18 November the American Cancer Society held its 35th day against the U.S. smoke on this occasion my friend John Polito has republished its list of 30 tips to stop smoking abruptly ("cold turkey").
Fri them because I propose again These pills of wisdom, sometimes disarming in its simplicity.

"Thirty advice to stop smoking abruptly at the Great American Day Against Smoking"
d the John R. Polito

1. The law of addiction - The law of addiction says: "The administration of a drug to an employee will cause the restoration of chemical dependency to the substance itself." Yes, just a shot, snorted or chewed [1] and you'll be back to face up to 72 hours of nicotine detox, by far the most challenging times when you want to quit. The brain activity analysis shows that even a single shot of nicotine activates up to 50% of nicotinic-acetylcholine receptors. Most of those who have stopped smoking is thought to do it again once it is merely an episode in itself, but in fact scopriranno presto che il loro cervello ne richiede di più. Esiste una sola regola: niente nicotina. Un’ora per volta, una sfida per volta, un giorno per volta: non fare più nemmeno un tiro, una sniffata o una masticata!
2.      Sii onesto con te stesso – Stai combattendo per guarire da una vera tossicodipendenza. Non puoi curarla o ucciderla, ma solo fermarla. Esiste solo una regola: nemmeno una oggi!
3.      One day at a time - Forget to quit for good: this is the hardest psychological shock as possible. Instead, try to adopt a more practical philosophy, that of "one day at a time!
4. physical withdrawal - If it is not restored, the level of nicotine in the blood is reduced by half in just two hours. When you stop, 100% of the nicotine is eliminated within 72 hours after recruitment. The physical withdrawal has its peak on the third day and within two or three weeks to physically reset the brain function without nicotine.
5. Fight the demands of the unconscious - You have conditioned your subconscious mind to expect a new dose of nicotine when encountering certain times, places, activities, people, emotions . The reconditioning process to settle these claims for the use has its peak during the first week, around the third day. Within one month if it is headed, except for infrequent or seasonal ones.
6. emotional healing - The chemical dependency to nicotine was probably the most intense and repetitive relationship that we have ever known. Be prepared for a normal sense of emotional loss. The testing was six different emotional phases: 1. denial, 2. anger, 3. negotiation, 4. depression, 5. acceptance and 6. complacency.
7.      Pensieri fissi coscienti – L’ultima fase della guarigione, il pensiero fisso, è il meno intenso ma il più duraturo. Il pensiero razionale si trova a rimanere fisso sui ricordi dell’uso di nicotina nel passato. Ogni giorno che passa questi pensieri diventano meno numerosi, più brevi come durata e generalmente meno intensi.
8.      Sintomi dell’astinenza – Anche se può sembrare strano, i sintomi dell’astinenza sono una cosa buona, non cattiva. Quale migliori segnali di guarigione potrebbero esserci? Con ogni probabilità rimpiangerai di avere voluto smettere, quando soffrirai durante i primi tre giorni di guarigione. Ma prova a valutare, se ti va, come le sigarette ti hanno nascosto sino ad oggi questi sintomi con l'impiego di circa 4000 sostanze chimiche.
9.      Registra le tue motivazioni – In the heat of battle it is normal for the mind to forget many of the reasons that motivated our decision to quit. Keep on hand a note or a letter summarizing all of your main reasons: it will be useful during a crisis.
10. Do not skip meals - Nicotine was our spoon as released into our bloodstream fats and sugars accumulated. Allowed us to skip meals without suffering from the symptoms of the fall of sugars, such as an inability to concentrate or hunger related anxieties. Eat healthy food little and often.
11. Three days of natural juices - During the first three days drink a lot of acidic juices, which help not only to remove the alkaloid nicotine more quickly from our blood, but also to stabilize the sugar levels and to prevent symptoms resulting from these changes.
12. Weight gain - È normale volere usare il cibo come un sostituto della dopamina, nel tentativo di soddisfare il bisogno di nicotina. Ma dovreste guadagnare almeno 35 chili per pareggiare i rischi alla salute causati dal fumare un pacchetto al giorno. Se sentite il bisogno di mangiare di più, provate a mangiare verdure o frutti a basso contenuto calorico, oppure fate più esercizio fisico.
13. Ansie legate allo stress – Contrariamente a quello che si pensa, fumare nicotina non elimina lo stress, ma semplicemente la voglia di nicotina stessa. La nicotina è un alkaloid and stress is an event that produces acid and is therefore capable of quickly neutralizing the body's nicotine reserves.
14. Stop for other - We can not quit for others. Must be a gift to ourselves. Stop for anyone (child, spouse, parent, friend, fetus that is developing, employer, medical, etc..) Creates a natural sense of self deprivation that devours our intimate conviction and ultimately would result in a relapse .
15. Attitude - A positive ("I can do it!") is important for both the conscious thinking mind that the primitive impulse that controls the body's response to the choice between fight and flight .
16. Patience - Years of fast fulfillment of falls in the level of nicotine in our blood we have become accustomed to being very impatient. It takes small steps, a time, a challenge, a day at a time and then celebrate.
17. Keep or throw all the instruments of nicotine replacement (NRT) - Get rid of all vehicles intake of nicotine, including products in its stead.
18. Interaction Caffeine / Nicotine - Nicotine doubles the speed at which the body assimilates caffeine. then you must expect that the level of caffeine in your blood is twice than usual with the same doses. No problem if you do not suffer for this, but be prepared to cut a little 'the amount of coffee, in the case of anxiety or difficulty sleeping.
19. seizures last less than three minutes - In contrast to conscious thought fixation (such as "the nice juicy steak", which can last as much as being able to concentrate), no crisis unleashed from your subconscious will last more than three minutes.
20 . The symptom of the distortion of time - Quit causes significant time distortion. Even if the seizures last only a couple of minutes can seem like hours. Keep a watch on hand.
21. techniques to overcome a crisis - One way to overcome the crisis is to train yourself to breathe deeply and slowly clearing the mind and thoughts from various focusing on a person, place or thing that we like. Another popular exercise is three minutes to recite the alphabet with each letter a food combining, a person or a place that we like.
22. crises - Another technique is to openly address the crisis. A crisis can not cut you, burn you, kill you or make you bleed. Try to be brave at least once. In your mind tighten your arms around the energy crisis of anxiety and feel like slowly fades and dies in your embrace. Yes, another crisis bites the dust and victory is yours!
23. Compare stimuli crisis - Within two weeks you will begin to understand and find that whatever you were doing when you were a slave to nicotine can still do it quietly without, often even better than before. Meet, greet and defeat your stimuli, do not hide from them.
24. alcohol use - Research shows that alcohol use is associated with about 50% of relapses. Be very careful with alcohol consumption during the first two weeks since you stopped.
25. There are no excuses for relapse - Admit that the use of nicotine can not solve the crisis of any kind
26. Avoid any kind of crutch - With crutch is any type of remedy to which you lean so that - if you've suddenly took off - could lead to a loss of support and then relapse.
27. The dream of smoking - Be ready for the possibility of extremely realistic dreams as tobacco odors released by tissues that are healing now faced with senses of smell and taste much more developed.
28. One rule only - There's always been a rule alone. If you make a shot, you have to go back.
29. Knowledge is power - Your addiction is strong, but you become wiser. Visit [2]
30. Relapse - There are only two good reasons to make a shot after you quit smoking. The first is why would you return to your previous level of consumption until it makes you sick or die. The second is because you like the withdrawal symptoms and want to extend it forever. But if none of these options appeal to you, try to live an alternative surprisingly simple: no nicotine just one day at a time. No more a shot, snorted or chewed. [3]

[1] Si fa naturalmente riferimento anche ai danni procurati dal tabacco da fiuto e da masticare, in Italia non così diffusi, ma altrettanto pericolosi in termini di dipendenza
[2] probabilmente la libreria gratuita più fornita al mondo sull’argomento
[3] Cfr. nota 1

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cover Letter For Kim Dawson

But look a little 'Who would have thought ... The WHO also declared war on e-cigarette! I bet you stop

Non a caso, questa presa di posizione da parte dell'Organizzazione World Health Organization had clearly in my earlier post on the subject, then the few who read this blog continuously consider it a story "waiting."

I quote the article in the Corriere della Sera ( link here), but I'm sure that the news is widely reported in the media:
"The WHO puts the ban all additives which are used to flavor cigarettes, and then to give more flavor to the smoke. also opens a war on electronic cigarettes, presented as a possible way out of the habit and instead, according to the WHO, its perpetrators to fail all the campaigns against smoking . " The common lines of action have been agreed in recent days in Uruguay, where 171 (!!!) countries met to define the so-called "Framework Convention for Tobacco Auditing '(Framework Convention on Tobacco Control).

That said, I reiterate that for us ex-smokers is important not to look for shortcuts. C' is a road to follow: it is that he did stop 90% of the people we know. Why pretend that there are others? not we do good to pretend so. A little '(but not much, actually) we will have to stop suffering, but it's worth it.
There is someone who insists on putting on a light bulb in his mouth because it is the most " modern "for quitting? Come in. But from now on can not say that had not been warned.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Baby Showerbutterflieswording

ElfettaCreativa: Other Techniques

ElfettaCreativa: Other Techniques

anyone else make these baskets? I'm trying but it is very difficult.


November 17
My test

  • not good, I can not stop the wires because the needle is big and if I put in the work I drag it all behind.
  • Before I did the rays then I wanted to try to stitch the petals, after I made the board. E 'wrong because then I can not give the same distance to the rays.
  • The board is not good. The picture is not very clear but Elfetta see again and I realized that the board should be made to stitch. Wrapping the yarn better because I had to restrain him because he always unrolled
  • The center does not like me, is not precise, but perhaps after all embroidered petals is missing. There
I try again? I think so

Monday, November 8, 2010

Blood On Mucos When Sneezing

Convert web sites in PDF

Today I'll know a new online service that generates a PDF file from any website. It's called PDFmyURL , a highly practical and very quick conversion of a page web.Una Once opened, the site is not enough simply insert the 'URL (web address) of the webpage you want to convert, and after a few seconds you will have a PDF file to download to your desktop.Il site requires no registration and is also molto più rapido di alcuni programmi che si trovano in rete.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Monatonic Gold Wikipedia

Cushion ivory point 3 eel eel

Side A

Side B

The two sides of the same point cushion embroidered with eel.
Roses A side do you see in this video .
For Roses B-side there are instructions here and here.
are not satisfied with the leaves, but ... learn.