Saturday, November 27, 2010

Wedding Guests Hotel Gift Bag Note Sample

Some clarification

Dear readers,

some time I get the post I do not like at all.

Some - as you know - are by sellers of e-cigs, that hide behind insults the smallness and the swindling of their business proposal.

Others - and this hurts me the most - believe that I have dark designs for the selection of topics or completeness of the information provided in this blog.

not true and I is not good.

Let me repeat some concepts which I would like to be shared by my (few but loyal) readers:

  1. this blog is not - nor does it claim to be - a source of absolute truths : it is simply an effort made in good faith by myself (which has - as everyone knows - a very low intelligence) to spread a culture topic. I have no interest in disclosing false. If someone believes there may be a mistake as contained in my posts please let me just point out (citing the sources from which it draws its information), and - in case - I will make any adjustments.
  2. at this point I have two alternatives: moderate or all operations that receive, before publication , or require the identification who wants to post comments. The first solution is the least democratic (it could be seen as a kind of censorship on my part) but also what is already happening now, when I'm mad at having to delete posts, scurrilous or simply inconclusive. The second solution seems more libertarian, but even more compelling. If you want to contribute your opinion to clarify this dilemma, you are welcome.
  3. I would put this blog to become a real ground for comparison with those who think like me. As long as this takes place while respecting the basic rules of etiquette and civil dialectic. A fortiori, I would be thrilled to publish posts to readers who recognize the spirit of the blog, which has the aim of sharing experiences (positive or not) on the decision to quit smoking. This of course regardless of the fact that their experience is the same as mine, that I stopped by itself, suddenly and without the use of substitutes. Willingly accept anyone - in other words - should "make a contribution", as was once said ... Provided it is done in good faith and - possibly - through direct experience.
  4. said that, I would also like to reiterate that this blog is dedicated to those who want to quit smoking But everyone can not just read, as also bring their experience.


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