Monday, December 27, 2010

Amyloidosis More Condition_symptoms

Letter to the Editor to quit smoking with the New Year

A wonderful initiative by John Polito ( ), I would like to share with you. He sends this letter to editors of newspapers on the occasion of the New Year. Someone public. If we did we?

Dear Editor,

the price of cigarettes continues to increase, you are smoking outside in the rain and frost, yet half of adult smokers continue to do so until they died. This test tells us what the National Institute of Health, that is to say that nicotine addiction is a disorder of the will, disability and mental illness.
This is a problem as real and tough as alcoholism: the paths leading to the brain dopamine are so disturbed that leave addicted to nicotine fully convinced that their next dose is as important as the food. But it is a lie. Without food, perishable goods; without nicotine gradually we wake up and flourish.

If you want to smoke, try to remember what they were calm and quiet all the days, weeks and months have passed without wanting to smoke. Not being able to do that is characteristic of addiction. Why should you be afraid to go back? Why should you be afraid of remaining days and weeks without wanting to smoke nicotine?

In 2011 stop smoking alone and suddenly more smokers to what will happen with all other methods combined. And about half will tell you to stop so it was much easier than it had made them believe the advertising of products offered for sale to quit smoking.

Knowledge is power. Let the New Year 2011 is the day that your desire to heal from this subjection is smarter than powerful the addiction itself. Peaked within 72 hours of abstinence and you have a body free from nicotine. But it only takes one shot to have to start all over again. A shot is too much and a thousand never enough ... yet they are all equal.

There is only one rule: No nicotine one hour, challenge and one day at a time. Yes you can!

John R. Polito
Educator for smoking cessation

For those readers unfamiliar with the English language, the photo is taken from a campaign by the Association for assistance to cancer patients. I find it very effective. There are pages with the same title on Facebook, Twitter, and so on, as if this slogan has become a common theme in various fields.
Almost forgot: I also stopped on January 1 of 2009! Greetings to all!


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