Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Broken Capillaries Identify Rash

Peposo the kiln

This is a recipe typically Tuscan, long time ago I heard a chef on TV that described, nerimasi fascinated and so I decided to present it again Sunday for my guests :-) I only regret not remember the name of the chef, who, are all my thanks.

1 kg of beef (better Chianina), muscle (I did well with the pork :-))
a crock pot
a bottle of red wine, 750 , preferably Chianti
a tablespoon of juniper berries
a tablespoon of peppercorns

5 bay leaves 2 garlic cloves poached
chopped celery, carrot and onion (one long time .... I have not measured :-))

extra virgin olive oil to taste 1 tablespoon ground pepper

Putting it all into the pot, all raw, except the pepper that will put 5 minutes before the After cooking, and everything to cucocere loooong slowly on the stove. The tradition dictates that cuocesse near a firebox (hence the name) but we are where we take ?????? So away on the stove, with a small flame with the lid a little bit in the corner, so as to release steam. Cucocere until the wine has evaporated, about 3 hours. Meanwhile, your house will smell amazing in a way, between the wine and spices is a concert of flavors difficult da descrivere.....

Monday, March 7, 2011

What Does It Mean When You Tap Your Nose

gees salò: Cynthia Rossetti, model number Node Mobility

refugees salò: Cynthia Rossetti, Mobility model

Please see, it is important

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Serina Snelling Model

Other nodes here:

Friday, March 4, 2011

Poptrpica Free Credits Hack

Neapolitan Sandwiches

Prima di conciare a leggere, devo avvisarvi:
Creano dipendenza!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Io li adoro, mio figlio non ne parliamo, sono utilissimi nelle feste, come merenda ricca e golosa, con l'aperitivo, come cena, vabbè trovate anche voi come me un pretsto per farli e mangiarli.............

Per la pasta:
1 kg di farina
150g di olio evo
1 lievito di birra
sale q.b.

Per il ripieno:
200g di salame
200g di provolone piccante
5 uova sode
300g di cervellatine (luganega, insomma una salsiccia fresca stretta e lunga)

Preparate la pasta e laciatela lievitare in una ciotola covered until doubled. Meanwhile, cook the
cervellatine, epoi cut into small pieces such as salami, cheese and boiled eggs. Roll out the dough on a floured table shaped like a rectangle and sprinkle over the filling and everything, comedy to roll up looking so tight on the long side:

Once finished, with a sharp knife, cut into thick slices at least 4 cm and then put them to grow in a dish, they will be sandwiches :-).

soon as they are leavened bake at 200 degrees for about 25 minutes, or until they are golden brown

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

List Of Hispanic Female Singers

puntiglius with sausage and Tuscan

Pasta, my passion. When I think of lunch or dinner, my first thought goes to the first course, or the pasta of course :-) I think even after a second, a side dish ... but the first thing is the dough. The other day I was lucky enough to have the magnificent Tuscan sausages and these "puntiglius" or the magnificent pasta Gragnano me the most delicious pasta there is, so I decided to combine these two wonderful ingredients together. It 'did this dish not bad

250g Puntiglius of Gragnano
Tuscan sausages 1 tablespoon of mascarpone
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 4 tablespoons
beautiful filled with grated Grana Padano cheese

In a pan I crumbled the sausage then I did go goccino with extra virgin olive oil, while I made this just boil the pasta was cooked, I drained and put into the pan with the sausage, I put together a tablespoon of mascarpone cheese and lots of parmesan. I whipped up a little high flame and then I Serve. It must have been the sausage was good, you're the pasta was great but here it was over the speed of light :-)